
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tangshan earthquake

Last weekend, I saw a new movie. The movie talk about the Tangshan earthquake. This earthquake happened in 3:42 July 28, 1976. Because this earthquake happened in the morning, so many people slept. When the earthquake happened, many people couldn't go out the building. Many people were died in this earthquake.Official data "242769 people were died, 164851 people serious injury, 90% building collapse." After this earthquake, somebody said " Tangshan is disappear." It's very terrible. In my high school, my math teacher was a soldier before. He said, after earthquake he went to the Tangshan to rescue the people, he went to Tangshan by the train. When he was in Tangshan, There were thousands of tombstones beside the railway, his commander told him "They are luck men, they have the tombstones, so their families have survivor. So many families were all dead." It's a sad story. It's a sad day.


I came here 4 months ago. I changed many thing for me. My life is different. I was in China 20 years, I began to study in 14 years ago. In that 14 years, everyday I got up at 6:00 a.m, and the classes aways began at 7:15 a.m. It's very strange, my elementary school, my junior high school, my high school and my college, all of these school classes aways began at 7:15. One time I asked my teacher "Why our classes aways began 7:15? Why it isn't 8:00 or late?" My teacher told me "The early bird catches the worm." In here only 4 months, I really feel Canada is better than China. I like Canada very much. I like my new life.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Yesterday, I saw the firework. It was so nice. This time is the third time I saw the firework. First time, it was in May, I forgot the date. Home stay told me that day is British Queen's birthday. Second time is Canada Day, the firework was long time and beautiful,I love it. This time is the river's birthday. I think it's very crazy, maybe this is a joke.

I like the firework, every time I enjoyed it, so I forgot to take picture. I think next time firework is B.C. day. I want I don't forget to take picture

Granville Island

July 8, we went to the Granville Island. In that day, the weather is so bad, hot and no wind. We take take the bus in downtown, the bus very crowd and hot, it like the sardine can, It's so bad. But the Granville Island is very good. There are many market in it. Especially, the Public Market is so interesting. There are many kinds of fruits and vegetables. Most interesting thing is many thing what I don't know. I like it.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Saving Private Ryan

This is a good movie. I very like it, I saw this movie four times. It is very good.

This story began to D-day, The Normandy Invasion. The war is so cruel, many people died, many people bruised. Final the Allied Forces held the Normandy beach. In this war one men was died, his family name is Ryan. The US logistics department found their army has four Ryan, they are brother, and now three people of them were died, their mother will receive letter of her three son were K.I.A. It was very sad, so the US commander sand a team of soldiers to save the fourth Ryan. This Ryan is a airborne. There was also him who parachuted in with 101st Airborne the night before the invasion, so he is somewhere in Normandy and nobody know where is Ryan, " this mission is like finding a needle in a stack of needles", it's very dangerous, because the team must across the German lines. Final they found the Ryan and saved him.

This is a good story. The war is cruel but the human nature is warm.

Monday, July 12, 2010

My favourite hobby

My favourite hobby is assembly model. Assembly model is very interesting. When I was 10 years old, my uncle gave me a gift, it was a Apache attack helicopter model, I very like it. In that time, I didn't know what is the model, so when I opened this gift, I saw many plastic parts, I didn't know what is this. I was very disappointed. But my uncle tell me how did I make this, then I found it's very interesting. When I was 15 years old, I watched a cartoon, its name is "GUNDAM", I very like it. One time I walked on the street with my friend and I saw a poster of "GUNPLA", first I thought it spelled wrong, but I saw the poster again, I know it "GUNPLA" is "GUNDAM" model, because "GUNDAM" is Japanese cartoon, so "GUNPLA" mean "GUNDAM plastic model" and Japanese people call it "GUNPLA". When I understand this poster, I was very exciting, I run to the store and bought one. From then on, I began to play this model. In my hometown, I have many many "GUNPLA", they like my baby, I very like them.

When I finished the model, I feel a sense of achievement. I like my model, I like it very much~~~~~


Friday, July 2, 2010

Canada Day~~~~

Yesterday is Canada Day. Many people on the street, I first time see so many people in Canada. It likes Shanghai. Every National Day in Shanghai, so many people in the Huaihai street, it's famous street in Shanghai. I went thought Waterfront station, many people waved Canadian flag. Someone drew Canadian flag on their face. It's very interesting. I regretted I forgot bringing my camera, it's so sad, so I didn't take some picture for my parents. But next year, I must remember bringing my camera in July 1.